Hello and Welcome everyone! I've always enjoy crafts but have only tried to draw graphics recently, they are 100% mouse drawn graphics using PSP6. I really hope you liked what you see, it's just a very small section now, but I'm working on adding more soon.
Anytime you use my graphics you have agreed to the following rules:
* I only ask that you use my graphics are for your site and are NOT to be included in any graphics collection.
* The site may "NOT" contain or link any adult, cursing, racism, or any crude links to anything. Your complete site "must" be Family Friendly.
* You may "NOT" print/use any graphics to sell/or make profits.
* You may "NOT" use any graphics in emails as stationary, chat room, message board, lists or any cards to send.
* Please "DON'T" resize/reshape graphics or make them into cards, quilts, banners, tubes, stationary or add any text/and or images...only exception are blank buttons wherever noted.
* You "MUST" have a "No-right click script installed on any page that my graphic will appear.
* I reserve the right to refuse any adoption/graphics requests and make changes to my terms whenever it is necessary without notice.
* Please "DON'T" direct link to the graphics, use right click and save to your hard drive. I would also appreciate if you provide a link back to https://lavendergdns.tripod.com/ on each page you place my graphic. If you're a Web TV user click here for information on how to use the graphics on your site.
I really appreciate if you follow these terms, I've worked really hard on these graphics using Paint Shop Pro 6, Animation Shop 2 using only my mouse to draw the graphics, so they are original!
I'd be happy to hear from you if have any comments, please sign my guestbook. Thanks you and come visit again!
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No right click & Disable Image Toolbar script from: Dynamic Drive Image by Lavender Garden