A memory lasts forever,
and never does it die.
True friends stay together
and never say goodbye.

My favorite "Inspirational" Graphic "Artists"
Before I could image that I'd be starting my own homepage, I've come across many talented artists which I have learned alot from is what inspired me to create one of my own. I dedicated it to my family, and friends everywhere. Although I have tried to create some graphics of my own I've always enjoyed decorating my page with their beautiful and original graphics, some I have purchased and some by artits who has free graphics available for download. I have placed some everywhere in my site, but if you decide to use them please don't forget to place logos with a link back to their site, and respect their terms of use like you would with any personal property.

Cute Colors Inger's E-mail Corner HoneyBrook Graphics
Home Sweet HomePage My Treasured Collection Cuddle Bug Creations
Jeanne's Country Cottage ~: SniderVillage :~ Daisy Dreams Country Graphics
Smalltown Artworks Graphic Garden Country Colors
Heartwarming Holidays Graphics by Irene ~Countryside Haven~
Dee's Drawings Johanne and Family Annette at Home
Cute Countryside Graphics Dakota Angel's Country Home Simply Debbie Designs

Tools links
Here's the links which helped me put together my site using their html/dhtml codes and other hints with graphics and codes, without them I know that I'd still be using templates. Thank You!
Paint Shop Pro
Dynamic Drive Web Monkey
Java C Simply... PSP Tutorial Links
JavaPowered Java Script City Jojo's Corner
JavaScript Source Always Unique

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