A kind word, a friendly "Hello"...it only takes a moment
but the feeling could last forever.
What joy it is for me to belong to a thoughtful bunch.
*^_^* (*^^*) ^-^ (^.~)
Without any reasons,
it's only just because,
the gift you give,
has no price...just Love.
It takes only a moment today,
to put a smile on someone's face.
Which may start a chain reaction,
to make this world a better place. *^-^*
(C) Renie
Hello! Here's a friendship globe I made myself, you are welcome to adopt it for yourself or anyone you think would need it for their homepage.Though please upload it on your own server and DO NOT link directly to my site. A text link back to my site would be nice but is not necassary all I ask is to take good care of them.
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Kind And Caring People
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