Hello everyone, and
Happy New Year!
New Year's Cheer
New Year's Cheers,
another year is gone.
How quickly time just flies,
still nothing has gotten done.
With new resolutions made,
year after year.
Although we really try,
goals wanted is never near.
With tragedies around the world,
we bonded and came together.
Life can be so precious,
let's make a promise each other
Our New Year's resolution,
should be same for us as one.
To live in peace and harmony,
and be kind to everyone.
- renie
You may adopt the New Year Cheers with or without personalizations.
You must link adoptions with logo provided to https://lavendergdns.tripod.com/
and they must not be altered in any way.
Please do not apply if your site is not family friendly site
To adopt them please e-mail me with following info:
Your name:
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If for a friend...
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I will try to send them as soon as possible please make sure you give all info
and after I review and approve site I will send them out to you.
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